Quellensammlung JFK
Die Geschichte des tödlichen Attentats auf den 35. Präsidenten der U.S.A. am 22. November 1963 im texanischen Dallas hat alles, was einen spannenden Kriminalfall ausmacht: Täter und Tatverdächtige mit schillernden und global ausgedehnten Biographien, Interessensüberschneidungen von organisiertem Verbrechen, Geheimdiensten, US-Regierungsbehörden und ausländischen Akteuren, sowie (in diesem Setting fast unvermeidlich) einen amtlichen Untersuchungsbericht auf vielen hundert Seiten, der nicht alle Fragen abschliessend beantworten kann.
Conspiracy Theories
Mehr noch als in der Natur der Sache, liegt es in der Natur der Menschen, sich in solchen Fällen selbst auf die Suche nach zufriedenstellenden Antworten zu machen. Seit dem Attentat wurde daher eine ungeheure Anzahl von Theorien zum Tathergang und seiner Vorgeschichte entwickelt und auch verbreitet. Von behördlicher Seite werden solche Laien-Ermittlungen kategorisch als "Conspiracy Theories" bezeichnet, greifen die Autoren hierbei doch gerne zu romantauglichen Plots um den "Fall" möglichst komplex und damit interessant erscheinen zu lassen.
State Crimes Against Democracy
Eine gänzlich andere, professionelle Richtung schlagen Kriminalisten ein, die sich nicht von komplexen Bedrohungsszenarien geheimer Mächte faszinieren lassen, sondern entspannt und sachorientiert, nacheinander die naheliegenden und plausiblen Szenarien mit den verfügbaren Fakten abgleichen.
In scharfer Abgrenzung zu populärwissenschaftlichen Conspiracy Theories der "Küchendetektive" verwendet Professor Lance DeHaven-Smith von der Universität Florida die kriminalistische Kategorie SCAD für "State Crimes Against Democracy" um sich dem Attentat auf John F. Kennedy zu nähern.
Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat der Autor Mathias Bröckers eine Würdigung sowohl des Falls als auch der kriminalistischen Kategorie vorgelegt und dafür eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung (noch) verfügbarer Quellen geliefert, die in nachstehender Tabelle zu finden ist.
Die Quellen nach Autoren und Titeln
Autor(en) | Titel | Erscheinungsort/-jahr | WWW |
Anderson, Jack / Gibson, Daryl | Peace, War, and Politics. An Eyewitness Account | New York 1999 | |
Baker, Judyth Vary | Me and Lee. How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald | Walterville 2008 | |
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Bamford, James | NSA. Die Anatomie des mächtigsten Geheimdienstes der Welt | München 2001 | |
Belzer, Richard / Wayne, David | HitList. An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination | New York 2013 | |
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Blakey, George R. / Billings, Richard N. | The Plot to Kill the President | New York 1981 | |
Blum, William | Killing Hope. US. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II | Monroe 2003 | |
Bolden, Abraham | The Echo from Dealey Plaza. The True Story of the First African American on the White House Secret Service Detail and His Quest for Justice After the Assassination of JFK | New York 2008 | |
Breed, Allen G. | Five decades after JFK‘s assassination, the lucrative conspiracy theory industry hums along | AP, Mai 2013 | [3] |
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Bugliosi, Vincent | Reclaiming History. The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy | New York 2007 | |
Burleigh, Nina | A Very Private Woman. The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer | New York 1998 | |
Campbell, Rodney | The Luciano Project. The Secret Wartime Collaboration Of the Mafia and the US Navy | New York 1977 | |
Charnin, Richard | Executive Action. JFK Witness Deaths and the London Tirnes Actuary | Lew Rockwell, April 2013 | [4] |
Constantine, Alexander | Mockingbird. The Subversion of the Free Press by the CIA, What really happened | [5] | |
Craig, Roger D. | When They Kill a President (vergriffen) | 1971 | [6] |
Daggett, Stephen | Costs of Major US. Wars | Congressional Research Service, Juni 2009 | [7] |
Dallek, Robert | John F. Kennedy. Ein unvollendetes Leben | München 2003 | |
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DeHaven-Smith, Lance | Conspiracy Theory in America | Austin 2013 | |
DiEugenio, James | Destiny Betrayed. JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Gase | New York 2012 | |
DiEugenio, James | Pease, Lisa: The Assassinations. | Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, Port Townsend 2003 | |
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DiJoseph, John | Noble Cause Corruption, the Banality of Evil, and the Threat to Arnerican Dernocracy, 1950-2008 | Lanham 2010 | |
Douglass, James W. | JFK and the Unspeakable. Why He Dies and Why it Matters | New York 2010 | |
Dulles, Allen | The Craft of Intelligence | New York 1963 | |
Epstein, Edward J. | Inquest. The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth | New York 1966 | |
Epstein, Edward J. | Legend. The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald | New York 1978 | |
Evica, George M. | A Certain Arrogance. The Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Wartime Manipulation of Religious Groups by US Intelligence | Walterville 2011 | |
Fonzi, Gaeton | The Last Investigation | Ipswich 2008 | |
Fursenko, Aleksandre / Naftali, Timothy | One Hell of a Gamble. Chrustchew, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958 - 1964 | New York 1998 | |
Ganser, Daniele | NATO‘s Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, London 2004 (dt. Ausg.: NATO-Geheimarmeen in Europa. Inszenierter Terror und verdeckte Kriegsführung | Zürich 2009) | |
Garrison, Jim | Wer erschoss John F. Kennedy? Auf der Spur der Mörder von Dallas | Bergisch Gladbach 1992 | [10] |
Giancana, Sam & Chuck | Double Cross. The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America | New York 1992 | |
Graf, Walter F. / Bartholomew, Richard R. | The gun that didn’t smoke | Assassination Research, 2002 | [11] |
Greenberg, Bradley S. / Parker, Edwin | The Kennedy Assassination and the American Public. Social Communication in Crisis | Stanford 1965 | |
Greenwald, Glenn | Obama confidant’s spine-chilling proposal | Salon, Januar 2010 | [12] |
Hancock, Larry | Incomplete Justice | Juni 2008 | [13] |
Haslam, Edward T. | Dr. Mary’s Monkey. How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor; a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics | Walterville 2007 | |
Hersh, Seymour M. | The Dark Side of Camelot, Auckland 1998 (dt. Ausg. Kennedy. Das Ende einer Legende | Hamburg 1998) | |
Heymann, C. David | The Georgetown Ladies’ Social Club. Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation’s Capital | New York 2003 | |
Holland, Max | The Lie That Linked CIA to the Kennedy Assassination. | CIA-Studie | [14] |
Hopsicker, Daniel | Barry und die Boys. Barry Seal, eine Schlüsselfigur der amerikanischen Geheimgeschichte | Frankfurt 2005 | |
Horne, Douglas (Hg.) | Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, Vol. I – V | Washington 2009 | |
House of Representatives | Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the US. (HSCA-Report) | [15] | |
HSCA (United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations) | The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Performance of the Intelligence Agencies, Final Report, Book V | April 1976 | [16] |
Hunt, E. Howard | American Spy. My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate & Beyond | Hobooken 2007 | |
Hunt, Saint John | Bonds of Secrecy. The True Story of CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt | Walterville 2012 | |
Hurt, Henry | Reasonable Doubt. An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy | Boston 1986 | |
Janney, Peter | Mary‘s Mosaic. The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace | New York
2012 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Oswald. Assassin or Fall Guy? | New York 1964 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Die Wahrheit über den Kennedy-Mord. Wie und warum der Warren-Report lügt | Zürich 1966 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Marina Oswald | Berkeley 1967 | |
Joesten, Joachim | The Dark Side ofLyndon Baines Johnson | Berkeley 1968 | |
Kaiser, David | The Road to Dallas. The Assassination ofJohn F. Kennedy | Cambridge 2008 | |
Kessier, Ronald | The Sins ofthe Father. Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded | New York 1996 | |
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Kurtz, Michael | The JFK Assassination Debates. Lone Gunman Versus Conspiracy | Lawrence 2006 | |
Lane, Mark | Rush to Judgment. A Critique of the Warren Commission‘s Inquiry into the Mujrders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J.D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald | New York 1966 | |
Lane, Mark | Plausible Denial. Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? | New York 1992 | |
Lane, Mark | Last Word. The Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK | New York 2012 | |
Law, William M. | In The Eye ofHistory. Disclosures in the JFK Assassiriation Medical Eviderice | Southlake 2004 | |
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McCoy, Alfred | Die CIA und das Heroin. Weltpolitik und Drogenhandel | Frankfurt 2003 | |
McKnight, Gerald | Breach ofTrust. How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why | Lawrence 2005 | |
McMillan, Priscilla Johnson | Marina and Lee | New York 1977 | |
Meagher, Sylvia | Accessories After the Fact. The Warren Commission, the Authorities, and the Report | Ipswich 1967 | |
Melanson, Philip H. | Spy Saga. Lee Harvey Oswald and the US-Intelligence | New York 1990 | |
Melanson, Philip H. | The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination. New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up, 1969-1991 | New York 1991 | |
Melanson, Philip H. / Klaber, William | Shadow Play. The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy, the Trial Of Sirhan Sirhan, and the Failure of American Justice | New York 1997 | |
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Morley, Jefferson | Our Man in Mexico. Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA | Lawrence 2008 | |
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O’Reilly, Bill / Dugard, Martin | Killing Kennedy. The End of Camelot | New York 2012 | |
O’Sullivan, Shane | Who Killed Bobby? The Unsolved Murder ofRobert F. Kennedy | New York 2008 | |
Palamara, Vincent M. | Survivor’s Guilt. The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy | Walterville 2005 | |
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Piper, Michael C. | The Final Judgment. The Missing Link in den JFK Assassination Conspiracy | Washington D.C.1969 | |
Posner, Gerald | Case Closed. Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK | NewYork 1993 | |
Posner, Gerald | Killing the Dream. James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. | NewYork 1998 | |
Prouty, L. Flechter | The Secret Team. The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World | New York (1973) 2008 | |
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Rivele, Stephen | The Men Who Killed Kennedy | (TV-Dokumentation) 1988 | |
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Russell, Dick | The Man Who Knew Too Much. Hired to Kill Oswald and Prevent the Assassination of JFK | New York (1992) 2003 | |
Schlesinger, Arthur M. | A Thousand Days. John F Kennedy in the White House | New York 1965 | |
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Summers, Anthony | Die Wahrheit über den Kennedy-Mord | München 1983 | |
Summers, Anthony | Official and Confidential. The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover | London 2012 | |
Sutton, Antony C. | Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. An Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis. (dt. Ausg.: Wall Street und der Aufstieg Hitlers, Basel 2008). | London 1989 | |
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Weisberg, Harold | Whitewash. The Report on the Warren Report (1965) | Ipswich 2006 | |
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Yeadon, Glen / Hawkins, John | The Nazi Hydra in America. Supressed History of a Century: Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich | Joshua Tree 2008 |
(Literaturliste aus: / Mathias Bröckers, JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika, Frankfurt am Main 2013)