Quellensammlung JFK
Autor(en) | Titel | Erscheinungsort/-jahr | WWW |
Anderson, Jack / Gibson, Daryl | Peace, War, and Politics. An Eyewitness Account | New York 1999 | |
Baker, Judyth Vary | Me and Lee. How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald | Walterville 2008 | |
Baker, Russ | RFK Assassination Legal Case Update | April 2013 | [1] |
Bamford, James | NSA. Die Anatomie des mächtigsten Geheimdienstes der Welt | München 2001 | |
Belzer, Richard / Wayne, David | HitList. An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination | New York 2013 | |
Benson, Michael | Who‘s Who in the JFK Assassination. An A to Z Encyciopedia | New York 1993 | |
Bernstein, Carl | The CIA and the Media, Rolling Stone | Oktober 1977 | [2] |
Beschloss, Michael R. | Taking Charge. The Johnson White House Tapes 1963 - 1964 | New York 1998 | |
Blaine, Gerald / McCubbin, Lisa | The Kennedy Detail. JFK‘s Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence | New York 2010 | |
Blakey, George R. / Billings, Richard N. | The Plot to Kill the President | New York 1981 | |
Blum, William | Killing Hope. US. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II | Monroe 2003 | |
Bolden, Abraham | The Echo from Dealey Plaza. The True Story of the First African American on the White House Secret Service Detail and His Quest for Justice After the Assassination of JFK | New York 2008 | |
Breed, Allen G. | Five decades after JFK‘s assassination, the lucrative conspiracy theory industry hums along | AP, Mai 2013 | [3] |
Bröckers, Mathias / Liggenstorfer, Roger (Hg.) | Albert Hofmann und die Entdeckung des LSD. Auf dem Weg nach Eleusis | Aarau 2006 | |
Brown, Madeleine D. | Texas in the Morning. My Secret Life with L.B.J. | Baltimore 1994 | |
Bugliosi, Vincent | Reclaiming History. The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy | New York 2007 | |
Burleigh, Nina | A Very Private Woman. The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer | New York 1998 | |
Campbell, Rodney | The Luciano Project. The Secret Wartime Collaboration Of the Mafia and the US Navy | New York 1977 | |
Charnin, Richard | Executive Action. JFK Witness Deaths and the London Tirnes Actuary | Lew Rockwell, April 2013 | [4] |
Constantine, Alexander | Mockingbird. The Subversion of the Free Press by the CIA, What really happened | [5] | |
Craig, Roger D. | When They Kill a President (vergriffen) | 1971 | [6] |
Daggett, Stephen | Costs of Major US. Wars | Congressional Research Service, Juni 2009 | [7] |
Dallek, Robert | John F. Kennedy. Ein unvollendetes Leben | München 2003 | |
Danton, Sally / Morris, Roger | Las Vegas. Geld, Macht, Politik | Frankfurt 2005 | |
DeHaven-Smith, Lance | Beyond Conspiracy Theory. Patterns of High Crime in American Government | American Behavioral Scientist, 2010 | [8] |
DeHaven-Smith, Lance | Conspiracy Theory in America | Austin 2013 | |
DiEugenio, James | Destiny Betrayed. JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Gase | New York 2012 | |
DiEugenio, James | Pease, Lisa: The Assassinations. | Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, Port Townsend 2003 | |
DiEugenio, James | Entering Peter Janney’s World of Fantasy (Mary’s Mosaic, Part 2) | Citizens for truth about the Kennedy Assassination, Juli 2012 | [9] |
DiJoseph, John | Noble Cause Corruption, the Banality of Evil, and the Threat to Arnerican Dernocracy, 1950-2008 | Lanham 2010 | |
Douglass, James W. | JFK and the Unspeakable. Why He Dies and Why it Matters | New York 2010 | |
Dulles, Allen | The Craft of Intelligence | New York 1963 | |
Epstein, Edward J. | Inquest. The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth | New York 1966 | |
Epstein, Edward J. | Legend. The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald | New York 1978 | |
Evica, George M. | A Certain Arrogance. The Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald and the Wartime Manipulation of Religious Groups by US Intelligence | Walterville 2011 | |
Fonzi, Gaeton | The Last Investigation | Ipswich 2008 | |
Fursenko, Aleksandre / Naftali, Timothy | One Hell of a Gamble. Chrustchew, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958 - 1964 | New York 1998 | |
Ganser, Daniele | NATO‘s Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, London 2004 (dt. Ausg.: NATO-Geheimarmeen in Europa. Inszenierter Terror und verdeckte Kriegsführung | Zürich 2009) | |
Garrison, Jim | Wer erschoss John F. Kennedy? Auf der Spur der Mörder von Dallas | Bergisch Gladbach 1992 | [10] |
Giancana, Sam & Chuck | Double Cross. The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America | New York 1992 | |
Graf, Walter F. / Bartholomew, Richard R. | The gun that didn’t smoke | Assassination Research, 2002 | [11] |
Greenberg, Bradley S. / Parker, Edwin | The Kennedy Assassination and the American Public. Social Communication in Crisis | Stanford 1965 | |
Greenwald, Glenn | Obama confidant’s spine-chilling proposal | Salon, Januar 2010 | [12] |
Hancock, Larry | Incomplete Justice | Juni 2008 | [13] |
Haslam, Edward T. | Dr. Mary’s Monkey. How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor; a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics | Walterville 2007 | |
Hersh, Seymour M. | The Dark Side of Camelot, Auckland 1998 (dt. Ausg. Kennedy. Das Ende einer Legende | Hamburg 1998) | |
Heymann, C. David | The Georgetown Ladies’ Social Club. Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation’s Capital | New York 2003 | |
Holland, Max | The Lie That Linked CIA to the Kennedy Assassination. | CIA-Studie | [14] |
Hopsicker, Daniel | Barry und die Boys. Barry Seal, eine Schlüsselfigur der amerikanischen Geheimgeschichte | Frankfurt 2005 | |
Horne, Douglas (Hg.) | Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, Vol. I – V | Washington 2009 | |
House of Representatives | Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the US. (HSCA-Report) | [15] | |
HSCA (United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations) | The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Performance of the Intelligence Agencies, Final Report, Book V | April 1976 | [16] |
Hunt, E. Howard | American Spy. My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate & Beyond | Hobooken 2007 | |
Hunt, Saint John | Bonds of Secrecy. The True Story of CIA Spy and Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt | Walterville 2012 | |
Hurt, Henry | Reasonable Doubt. An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy | Boston 1986 | |
Janney, Peter | Mary‘s Mosaic. The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace | New York
2012 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Oswald. Assassin or Fall Guy? | New York 1964 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Die Wahrheit über den Kennedy-Mord. Wie und warum der Warren-Report lügt | Zürich 1966 | |
Joesten, Joachim | Marina Oswald | Berkeley 1967 | |
Joesten, Joachim | The Dark Side ofLyndon Baines Johnson | Berkeley 1968 | |
Kaiser, David | The Road to Dallas. The Assassination ofJohn F. Kennedy | Cambridge 2008 | |
Kessier, Ronald | The Sins ofthe Father. Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded | New York 1996 | |
Kowalski, Barry | United States Department of Justice Investigation of Recent Allegations Regarding the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (King-Report) | Juni 2000 | [17] |
Kurtz, Michael | The JFK Assassination Debates. Lone Gunman Versus Conspiracy | Lawrence 2006 | |
Lane, Mark | Rush to Judgment. A Critique of the Warren Commission‘s Inquiry into the Mujrders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J.D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald | New York 1966 | |
Lane, Mark | Plausible Denial. Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? | New York 1992 | |
Lane, Mark | Last Word. The Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK | New York 2012 | |
Law, William M. | In The Eye ofHistory. Disclosures in the JFK Assassiriation Medical Eviderice | Southlake 2004 | |
Leary, Timothy | Denn sie wussten, was sie tun. Eine Rückblende. (Originaltitel: Flashbacks. AnAutobiography, 1983) | Basel 1986 | |
Letters Between Khrushchev and Kennedy | [18] | ||
May, Ernest R. / Zelikow, Philip | The Kennedy Tapes. Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis | New York 2002 | |
McClellan, Barr | Blood, Money&Power. How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. | New York 2003 | |
McCoy, Alfred | Die CIA und das Heroin. Weltpolitik und Drogenhandel | Frankfurt 2003 | |
McKnight, Gerald | Breach ofTrust. How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why | Lawrence 2005 | |
McMillan, Priscilla Johnson | Marina and Lee | New York 1977 | |
Meagher, Sylvia | Accessories After the Fact. The Warren Commission, the Authorities, and the Report | Ipswich 1967 | |
Melanson, Philip H. | Spy Saga. Lee Harvey Oswald and the US-Intelligence | New York 1990 | |
Melanson, Philip H. | The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination. New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up, 1969-1991 | New York 1991 | |
Melanson, Philip H. / Klaber, William | Shadow Play. The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy, the Trial Of Sirhan Sirhan, and the Failure of American Justice | New York 1997 | |
Mellen, Joan | A Farewell to Justice. Jim Garrison, JFK‘S Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History | Washington 2007 | |
Mohrenschildt, George de | I am a patsy! I am a patsy! | Manuskript, 1977 | [19] |
Morley, Jefferson | Our Man in Mexico. Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA | Lawrence 2008 | |
Morley, Jefferson | Ex-flame says Jack Ruby “had no choice” but to kill Oswald, JFK Facts | März 2013 | [20] |
Morrow, Robert D. | First Hand Knowledge. How I Participated in the CIA Mafia Murder of President Kennedy | New York 1992 | |
Naylor, RT. | Hot Money and the Politics of Debt | Montreal 2004 | |
Newman, John | JFK and Vietnam. Deception, Intrigue, and the Struggle for Power | New York 1992 | |
Newman, John | Oswald and the CIA. The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the US. Government and the Alleged Killer ofJFK | New York 2008 | |
O’Reilly, Bill / Dugard, Martin | Killing Kennedy. The End of Camelot | New York 2012 | |
O’Sullivan, Shane | Who Killed Bobby? The Unsolved Murder ofRobert F. Kennedy | New York 2008 | |
Palamara, Vincent M. | Survivor’s Guilt. The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy | Walterville 2005 | |
Pantaleone, Michele | The Mafla and Politics | London 1966 | |
Pease, Lisa | The Other Kennedy Conspiracy | Salon, November 2011 | [21] |
Piper, Michael C. | The Final Judgment. The Missing Link in den JFK Assassination Conspiracy | Washington D.C.1969 | |
Posner, Gerald | Case Closed. Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK | NewYork 1993 | |
Posner, Gerald | Killing the Dream. James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. | NewYork 1998 | |
Prouty, L. Flechter | The Secret Team. The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World | New York (1973) 2008 | |
Prouty, L. Flechter | JFK. The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy | NewYork (1996) 2011 | |
Report of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren-Report) | [22] | ||
Rivele, Stephen | The Men Who Killed Kennedy | (TV-Dokumentation) 1988 | |
Ruppert, Michael C. | Bobby, I didn‘t know!, From the Wilderness | [23] | |
Russell, Dick | The Man Who Knew Too Much. Hired to Kill Oswald and Prevent the Assassination of JFK | New York (1992) 2003 | |
Schlesinger, Arthur M. | A Thousand Days. John F Kennedy in the White House | New York 1965 | |
Scott, Peter Dale | Deep Politics and the Death ofJFK | Berkeley 1993 | |
Scott, Peter Dale | Deep Politics III. Overview: The CIA, the Drug Traffic, and Oswald in Mexico | Dezember 2000 | [24] |
Scott, Peter Dale | 9/11, the JFK Assassination, and the Oklahoma City Bombing as a Strategy of Tension | Voltaire Network, 2010 | [25] |
Scott, Peter Dale | American War Machine. Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan | Lanham 2010 | |
Scott, Peter Dale | The JFK Assassination as an Engineered Provocation-Deception Plot. A Study in the Sociodynamics of Invasion Pretexts | JFK Counter group, November 2010 | [26] |
Steinberg, Jeff / Goldman, David | Permindex: Britain‘s International Assassination Bureau. The Killers of JFK Target Reagan and the Pope, Executive Irttelligence Review (EIR) | November 1981 | [27] |
Stern, Sheldon | Avertirig The Final Failurec. John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings | Stanford 2003 | |
Stone, Oliver | JFK (Kinoflim) | 1991 | |
Streatfeild, Dominic | Gehirnwäsche. Die geheime Geschichte der Gedankenkontrolle | Frankfurt 2008 | |
Summers, Anthony | Die Wahrheit über den Kennedy-Mord | München 1983 | |
Summers, Anthony | Official and Confidential. The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover | London 2012 | |
Sutton, Antony C. | Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. An Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis. (dt. Ausg.: Wall Street und der Aufstieg Hitlers, Basel 2008). | London 1989 | |
Sylwester, Mike | Mob Connections. Jack Ruby, Smuggling With and Spying on Communists, 1938 - 1958 | JFK Lancer, o.J. | [28] |
Talbot, David | Brothers. The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years | New York 2008 | |
The Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) | [29] | ||
Toynbee, Arnold | America and the World Revolution and Other Lectures | New York 1962 | |
Trento, Joseph J. | The SecretHistory ofthe CIA | Roseville 2001 | |
Valentine, Douglas | Deconstructing Kowalski | Citizens for truth about the Kennedy assassination, August 2000 | [30] |
Valentine, Douglas | The Strength of the Wolf. The Secret History of America’s War on Drugs | New York 2004 | |
Waidron, Lamar / Hartmann, Thom | Ultimate Sacrifice. John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder ofJFK | New York 2005 | |
Weisberg, Harold | Whitewash. The Report on the Warren Report (1965) | Ipswich 2006 | |
Whalen, Richard J. | The Founding Father. The Story of Joseph P. Kennedy: A Study in Power, Wealth and Family Ambition | Washington 1964 | |
Wrone, David | The Zapruder Film. Reframing JFK‘s Assassination | Lawrence 2003 | |
Yeadon, Glen / Hawkins, John | The Nazi Hydra in America. Supressed History of a Century: Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich | Joshua Tree 2008 |
(Literaturliste aus: / Mathias Bröckers, JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika, Frankfurt am Main 2013)