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We're watching this for the second time. Brilliance in the writing, wit, outstandingly tapestried story line that is undoubtedly a dry satirical view of politics. It is also terribly funny. This was our introduction to Christophe Waltz who plays a character who is possibly intensely naïve as well as rather dim. He is so idealistic that he becomes somewhat of a pawn for all sides, unwilling to see corruption and fraud until it becomes so transparent that even an individual in denial could not miss it. Waltz is brilliant in this, as is of course Richardson who never failed the viewer in his bright career. Unlike American TV series, this one allows the intellect to expand and enjoy entertainment at its very best. 100%

(von Expressrune am 27. Januar 2015)

Ian Richardson was incredibly talented at his craft and in "Gravy Train" is hilarious with ease. It is his portrayal in "Gravy Train" vs. "House of Cards" which exemplifies the concept that there is no difference between drama and comedy. Not my idea - first heard this in the Special Features on the "The Statement" DVD said by the Director, Norman Jewison.

Christoph Waltz is the story catalyst stumbling brillantly around characters and story lines. If you liked him in "Inglorious Basterds" you will now appreciate this very talented actor even more and understand his earning the Oscar for "D'Jango".

The characters are not devious, just self-fulfilling and the epitomy of career bureaucrats with more than modest political ambitions.

(von British History Buff am 9. Mai 2013)

Surely there must be more of such material of what's happening behind the doors of Bruxelles / Strasbourg etc to give us further episodes of "Gravy Train". The acting skills of - alas deceased - Ian Richardson and of Christoph Waltz are simply superb. So is the acting of all other cast members, really. On the other hand however, the "Gravy Train goes East" was not quite as hilarious...a tad "forced"...all in all though: Well worthwhile to look at, and to look at, and to look at again !!

(von B. D. Loosen am 24. März 2013)