Acid Survivors Foundation

"ASF was formed in 1999 with the growing concern of the rising trend of acid violence in Bangladesh. Acid violence is a form of gender based violence that reflects and perpetuates the inequality of women in society. Gender based violence is a common scenario in Bangladesh. This form of violence cuts across cultural and religious barriers and impede on women's right to fully participate in society. It has the effect of denying women important rights such as economic well being, social well being, political participation, personal fulfillment and self worth. Fear, anxiety, fatigue, post traumatic stress disorder, sleeping and eating disturbances are some of the psychological effects of acid violence. Many victims suffer from complete mental breakdown including identity crisis because of their lost and distorted appearance. Most stop their education or work during the length recovery period or beyond, due to disfigurement. Some survivors and their families face huge economic losses because of the time and money spent on treatment and lengthy legal proceedings." | Die ASF wurde 1999 aufgrund der wachsenden Besorgnis ob der zunehmenden Fälle von Säureanschlägen in Bangladesh gegründet. Säureanschläge sind eine Form geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt in der sich die gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit von Frauen gleichermassen zeigt wie auch fortsetzt. In Bangladesh ist geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt ein alltägliches Phänomen. |
(Englischer Originaltext aus der ASF-Internetpräsenz 2014; Übersetzung von Wolf-Dieter Batz)