Eugenik (Literaturliste)
- Um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert war Eugenik ein Mega-Trend, der die gesamte industrialisierte Welt quasi "elektrisierte" und der Gesamtheit von Forschung und Wissenschaft eine neue Blick-Richtung, eine neue Perspektive gab. Die Idee, die vorhandenen Human Resources ("Humankapital") einerseits nach wissenschaftlich abgesicherten Kriterien zu ordnen, andrerseits diese Ordnung zur gezielten - wirtschaftlichen - Allokation von Interventionen zu nutzen, ist ein plausibles Motiv für einen solchen Perspektivwechsel, der tatsächlich eine Modellverbesserung im Sinne eines präzisierten Menschenbildes war.
- Welche Breite dieser Perspektivwechsel hatte, läßt sich, ebenso wie seine Nachhaltigkeit, aus den themen-spezifischen Publikationen erkennen. Die nachfolgende Literaturliste von Paul A. Lombardo und Gregory M. Dorr stammt aus dem Jahr 2000. Sie ist auf englischsprachige Publikationen beschränkt und betont dadurch den US-amerikanischen Zweig der tatsächlich aber weltweiten "Eugenik-Bewegung".
Autor | Titel | Organ | Datum |
Adams, Mark | The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil and Russia | New York: Oxford | 1993 |
Alexander, Leo | Public Mental Health Practices in Germany: Sterilization and Execution of Patients Suffering from Nervous or Mental Disease | National Archives, Combined Intelligence Objective Subcommittee, G2 Division, SHAEF (Rear) APO 413 | 1949 |
Alexander, Leo | Medical Science Under Dictatorship 571-591 | 1948 | |
Allen, Garland | Science Misapplied: The Eugenics Age Revisited | Current 388:7 | December 1, 1996 |
Allen, Garland | Eugenics and American Social History, 1880-1950 | 31 Genome 885 | 1989 |
Allen, Garland | Natural Selection, Heredity and Eugenics (Book Review) | 77:1 Isis 168 | 1986 |
Allen, Garland | The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor, 1910-1940: An Essay in Institutional History | 2 OSIRIS 225-264 | 1986 |
Allen, Garland | Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900-1914 (Book Review) | 70:4 Isis 634 | 1979 |
Allen, Garland | Genetics, Eugenics and Society: Internalists and Externalists in Contemporary History of Science | Social Studies of Science 6 105 | 1976 |
Allen, Garland | Genetics, Eugenics and Class Struggle | 79 Genetics 29 | 1975 |
Altmann, R. | The Law of the Select | Living Age 132 | October 1939 |
Aly, Gotz et. al. | Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene | Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, | 1994 |
American Journal of Heredity | Feeblemindedness: A Serious Problem to Eugenicists -- Two-thirds due to Heredity -- Many Grades of Arrested Development, Shading Imperceptibly Into Normal Population -- Manner of Inheritance | 2 American Journal of Heredity 32 | 1915 |
American Medical Association | Reappraisal of Eugenic Sterilization Laws | 173 JAMA 11 | 1960 |
American Medical Association | Eugenic Sterilization is Legal in 28 States | 4:1 AMA News | 1961 |
American Medical Association | Sterilization, Consent, and Public Policy | 4:2 AMA News | 1961 |
Androp, Serge | The Probability of Commitment for a Mental Disorder of Any Kind Based on the Individual's Family History | 10 Eugenics Research Association Monograph Series | 1935 |
Baer, Adela S. | Heredity and Society: Readings in Social Genetics | New York: The Macmillan Company | 1973 |
Barkan, Elazar | Reevaluating Progressive Eugenics: Herbert Spencer Jennings and the 1924 Immigration Legislation | 24:1 Journal of the History of Biology 91 | 1991 |
Barker, David | The Biology of Stupidity: Genetics, Eugenics and Mental Deficiency in the Inter-War Years, | 22 BJHS 347-375 | 1989 |
Bell, J. H. | Eugenics of the Development of the Human Race | Virginia Medical Monthly 727 | February 1931 |
Berns, Walter | Buck V. Bell: The Sterilization Decision and Its Effect on Public Policy (unpublished Masters Thesis) | University of Chicago | 1951 |
Bird, Randall, and Allen, Garland | The Papers of Harry Hamilton Laughlin, Eugenicist | 14 Journal of the History of Biology 339 | Fall 1981 |
Birnbaum, Morton | Eugenic Sterilization | 174 JAMA | 1961 |
Blacker, C. P. | Eugenics: Galton and After | London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. | 1952 |
Boas, Franz | The Question of Racial Purity | 3 American Mercury 163 | 1924 |
Bowler, Peter J. | The Role of the History of Science in the Understanding of Social Darwinism and Eugenics | 40:3 Impact of Science on Society 273 | 1990 |
Boyd, William C. | Genetics and the Races of Man: An Introduction to Modern Physical Anthropology | Boston: Little, Brown | 1950 |
Broberg, Gunar, and Roll-Hansen, Nils. eds. | Eugenics and the Welfare State: Sterilization Policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland | East Lansing: Michigan State University Press | 1996 |
Burleigh, Michael, and Wipperman, Wolfgang | The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945 | New York: Cambridge University Press | 1991 |
Burleigh, Michael, and Wipperman, Wolfgang | Death and Deliverance: Euthanasia in Germany 1900-1945 | New York: Cambridge University Press | 1994 |
Caldwell, John Harvey | Babies by Scientific Selection | The Scientific American 124 | March 1934 |
Carlson, Elof Axel | R. L. Dugdale and the Jukes Family: A Historical Injustice Corrected | 30 BioScience 535 | 1980 |
Chase, Allan | The Legacy of Malthus: The Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism | New York: Alfred Knopf | 1977 |
Clarke, Adele | Subtle Forms of Sterilization Abuse: A Reproductive Rights Analysis" in Rita Arditti, et. al., eds. Test-Tube Women: What Future for Motherhood | London: Pandora Press | 1984 |
Commonweal, The | Methodist Conference Approves Sterilization | The Commonweal 2 | 26 April 1940 |
Commonweal, The | The Fraud of Sterilization | The Commonweal 451 | 21 February 1936 |
Commonweal, The | Sterilization in the United States | The Commonweal 497 | 20 September 1935 |
Conklin, Edwin Grant | Heredity and Environment In the Development of Men | Princeton: Princeton University Press | 1917 |
Cotton, Henry A. | Some Problems in the Study of Heredity in Mental Diseases | 49 American Journal of Insanity 31 (1912) as, Eugenics Record Office, Bulletin No. 8 | 1912 |
Cox, Earnest Sevier | White America | Special Congress Edition, Richmond: White America Society | 1925 |
Cox, Ignatius W. | The Folly of Human Sterilization | The Scientific American 188 | October 1934 |
Darrow, Clarence | The Eugenics Cult | 8:30 American Mercury 129 | 1926 |
Davenport, Charles B. | Heredity in Relation to Eugenics | New York: Henry Holt and Company | 1913 |
Davenport, Charles B. | State Laws Limiting Marriage Selection Examined in the Light of Eugenics | Eugenics Record Office, Bulletin No. 9 | 1913 |
Davenport, Charles B. | The Family History Book | Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 7 | 1912 |
Davenport, Charles B. | The Trait Book | Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 6 | 1912 |
Davenport, Charles B., and Harry H. Laughlin | How to Make a Eugenical Family Study | Eugenics Record Office, Bulletin No. 13 | 1915 |
Davenport, Charles B., Harry H. Laughlin and A. J. Rosanoff | Reply to the Criticism of Recent American Work by Dr. Heron of the Galton Laboratory | 51 American Journal of Insanity | January 1914 |
Davenport, Charles B., Harry H. Laughlin and A. J. Rosanoff | Heredity in Relation to Eugenics | New York: Henry Holt | 1913 |
DeJarnette, J. S. | Eugenic Sterilization in Virginia | Virginia Medical Monthly 678 | January 1931 |
DeJarnette, J. S. | Eugenics in Relation to the Insane, the Epileptic, the Feeble-Minded and Race Blending | Virginia Medical Monthly 290 | August 1925 |
Dight, C.F. | Call for a New Social Order | Minneapolis, Argus | 1936 |
Dorr, Gregory Michael | Principled Expediency: Eugenics, Naim v. Naim, and the Supreme Court | paper submitted for publication to American Journal of Legal History | June 1997 |
Dorr, Gregory Michael | Assuring America’s Place in the Sun: Ivey F. Lewis and the Teaching of Eugenics at the University of Virginia, 1915-1953 | paper submitted for publication to Harvard Educational Review | August 1997 |
Dowbiggin, Ian. | Keeping America Sane: Psychiatry and Eugenics in the United States and Canada 1880-1940 | Ithaca: Cornell University Press | 1997 |
Dowbiggin, Ian. | An Exodus of Enthusiasm: G. Alder Blumer, Eugenics, and US Psychiatry, 1890-1920 | 36 Medical History 379 | 1992 |
Dugdale, Richard | The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Disease and Heredity | New York: Putnam | 1884 |
Ernst, Edzard | A Leading Medical School Seriously Damaged: Vienna 1938 | 122 Annals of Internal Medicine 10: 789-792 | May, 1995 |
Estabrook, Arthur H. and Ivan E. McDougle | Mongrel Virginians: The WIN Tribe | Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company | 1926 |
Eugenics Society (UK). The Eugenics Review | Sir Francis Galton, 1822-1911: Jubilee Memoir of the Eugenics Society | Dorothy Middleton | 1982 |
Eugenics Society (UK). The Eugenics Review | Sir Francis Galton: Three Memoirs | December 1951 | |
Fairchild, Henry Pratt. | Race Building in a Democracy | Living Age 29 | March 1940 |
Ferguson, Philip M. | Abandoned to Their Fate: Social Policy and Practice Toward Severely Retarded People in America, 1820-1920 | Philadelphia: Temple University Press | 1994 |
Frankel, Charles | The Spector of Eugenics | Commentary 25 | March 1974 |
Frazier, Edward F. | The Pathology of Race Prejudice | 77 Forum 856 | 1927 |
Friedlander, Henry | The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution | Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press | 1995 |
Galton, Francis | Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development Eugenics | London: Society Reprint | 1951 |
Gamble, Clarence J. | Sterilization (Letter to Editor) | The Atlantic Monthly 16 | January 1951 |
Gardella, John E. MD. | Eugenic Sterilization in America and North Carolina | 56 North Carolina Medical Journal 106 | 1995 |
Garver, K. L. and B. Garver | Eugenics: Past, Present, Future | 49 American Journal of Human Genetics 1109 | 1991 |
Ginzburg, Benjamin. | Scientists and Eugenics (Letter to Editor) | Science 1172 | 10 September 1965 |
Glass, Bentley | Racism and Eugenics in International Context | 68:1 The Quarterly Review of Biology 61 | 1993 |
Glass, Bentley | The Roots of Nazi Eugenics | 64:2 The Quarterly Review of Biology 175 | 1989 |
Glass, Bentley | A Hidden Chapter of German Eugenics Between the Two World Wars | 125 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 357 | 1981 |
Goddard, Henry H. | Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness | 1 American Breeders Magazine 165 (1910) as, Eugenics Record Office, Bulletin No. 1 | 1911 |
Goddard, Henry H. | The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness | New York: Macmillan | 1912 |
Goddard, Henry H. | Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and its Consequences | New York: Macmillan | 1914 |
Gosney, E. S. | Eugenic Sterilization: Human Betterment Demands It | The Scientific American 18 | July 1934 |
Gosney, E. S. and Popenoe, Paul | Sterilization for Human Betterment | New York: Macmillan | 1929 |
Gould, Stephen J. | The Mismeasure of Man | New York: W. W. Norton & Company | 1981 |
Gould, Stephen J. | Carrie Buck’s Daughter | 93 Natural History 14 | July 1984 |
Grant, Madison | The Racial Transformation of America | 2 North American Review 9: 350-352 | 1924 |
Guyer, Michael F. | Being Well-Born: An Introduction to Eugenics | Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company | 1916 |
Haller, Mark | Eugenics: Hereditarian Attitudes in American Thought | New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press | 1963 |
Harvey, R. D. | Pioneers of Genetics: A Comparison of the attitudes of William Bateson and Erwin Baur to Eugenics | 49 Notes and Records of the Royal Society 1:105 | 1995 |
Hasian, Marouf A. | The Rhetoric of Eugenics in Anglo-American Thought | Athens: University of Georgia Press | 1996 |
Himmstedt, Erin Kathleen | Not for Their Own Good: African-American Mental Health and Eugenic Sterilization Programs in Virginia (unpublished MA thesis) | University of Virginia | 1995 |
Hofstadter, Richard | Social Darwinism in American Thought | Boston: Beacon Press | 1955 |
Holmes, Samuel J. | The Oppostition to Eugenics | 89 Science 351 | 1939 |
Holmes, Samuel J. | The Eugenic Predicament | New York: Harcourt Brace and Company | 1933 |
Hughes, James E. | Eugenic Sterilization in the United States: A Comparative Summary of Statutes and Review of Court Decisions | U.S. Public Health Service, Supplement No. 162 to the Public Health Reports | 1940 |
Hurst, C. C. | Germany's Sterilization Law: What it Might Accomplish | The New York Times | 5 August 1934 |
Jenks, Albert Ernest | The Legal Status of Negro-White Amalgamation in the United States | 21 American Journal of Sociology 666 | 1915 |
Jones, Greta | Scholarship Serving the Nazi State II: Medicine, Science and Eugenics (Book Review) | 12:4 Ethnic and Racial Studies 582 | 1989 |
Jordan, Harvey E. | The Place of Eugenics in the Medical Curriculum - Problems in Eugenics | London: The Eugenics Education Society | 1912 |
Jordan, Harvey E. | Studies in Human Heredity | 1 Transactions of the Scientific Section of the University of Virginia Philosophical Society, 12:293 | July, 1912 |
Jordan, Harvey E. | Eugenics: Its Data, Scope and Promise, as Seen By The Anatomist / Eugenics: Twelve University Lectures | New York: Dodd, Mead and Company | 1914 |
Juliard, Andre L. | Scientists and Eugenics (Letter to Editor) | Science 1172 | 10 September 1965 |
Kamrat-Lang, Debora | Healing Society: Medical Language in American Eugenics | 8:1 Science in Context 175 | 1995 |
Katz, Janet and Charles F. Abel | The Medicalization of Repression: Eugenics and Crime | 8 Contemporary Crises 227 | 1984 |
Kenyon, J.M. | Sterilization of the Unfit | 1 Virginia Law Review 458 | 1913 |
Kevles, Daniel J. | In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity | New York: Knopf | 1985 |
Kuhl, Stefan | The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism | New York: Oxford University Press | 1994 |
Kulka, Ernst | The Causes of Declining Birth-Rate | 5 Eugenics Research Association Monograph Series | August 1931 |
Landman, J. H. | Race Betterment by Human Sterilization | The Scientific American 292 | June 1934 |
Landman, J. H. | Human Sterilization: The History of the Sexual Sterilization Movement | New York: Macmillan | 1932 |
Larson, Edward J. | Sex, Race, and Science: Eugenics in the Deep South | Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press | 1995 |
Laughlin, Harry H. | The Eugenics Exhibit At Chicago: A Description of the Wall-Panel Survey of Eugenics Exhibited in the Hall of Science, Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, 1933-34 | 26 The Journal of Heredity 155 | 1935 |
Laughlin, Harry H. | The Legal Status of Eugenical Sterilization: History and analysis of litigation under the Virginia Sterilization Statute, which led to a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States upholding the statute | 1930 | |
Laughlin, Harry H. | Eugenical Sterilization in the U.S. | A Report of the Psychopathic Laboratory of the Municipal Court of Chicago | 1922 |
Laughlin, Harry H. | Report of the Committee to Study the and to Report on the Best Practical Means to Cut Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the American Population | Eugenics Record Office Bulletin #10a | 1914 |
Lerner, B.H. & Rothman, D.J. | Medicine and the Holocaust: Learning More of the Lessons | Annals of Internal Medicine, 122(10): 793-794 | May, 1995 |
Lerner, Richard M. | Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice, and Genocide | University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press | 1992 |
Literary Digest, The | Sterilization: Ann Hewitt Brings Her Mother to Trial on Conspiracy Charge | The Literary Digest 13 | 19 December 1936 |
Literary Digest, The | Two Warnings Against Sterilization Laws | The Literary Digest 18 | March 16, 1935 |
Literary Digest, The | Nazi Decree Revives Sterilization Debate | The Literary Digest 17 | 13 January 1934 |
Literary Digest, The | A Knockout for the 'Perfect Man' | The Literary Digest | 1 October 1932 |
Literary Digest, The | Eugenics as the Cure for All the Race's Ills | The Literary Digest 22 | 10 September 1932 |
Literary Digest, The | Mass Sterilization for Human Betterment | The Literary Digest 16 | 6 August 1932 |
Locke, Alain, and Lothrop Stoddard | Should the Negro Be Encouraged to Cultural Equality? | 78 Forum 500 | 1927 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Eugenic Sterilization in Virginia: Aubrey Strode and the Case of Buck v. Bell (unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation) | University of Virginia | 1982 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Involuntary Sterilization in Virginia: From Buck v. Bell to Poe v. Lynchburg | 3 Developments in Mental Health Law 3 | July-Sept 1983 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Settlement of Poe v. Lynchburg Ends "Sterilization Era | 5 Developments in Mental Health Law 18 | Jan.-June 1985 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Three Generations, No Imbeciles: New Light on Buck v. Bell | 60 N.Y.U. Law Review 30 | 1985 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Miscegenation, Eugenics, and Racism: Historical Footnotes to Loving v. Virginia | 21 U.Cal. Davis Law Review 421 | 1988 |
Lombardo, Paul A. | Medicine, Eugenics and the Supreme Court: From Coercive Sterilization to Reproductive Freedom | 13 Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 1 | 1996 |
Ludmerer, Kenneth M. | Genetics and American Society: A Historical Appraisal | Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press | 1972 |
Macklin, Ruth and Willard Gaylin, eds. | Mental Retardation and Sterilization: A Problem of Competency and Paternalism | New York: Plenum Press | 1981 |
Marks, Jonathan | Historiography of Eugenics | 52 American Journal of Human Genetics 3:650 | 1993 |
Martin, Edward S. | Improving Humanity | Harpers 765 | November 1932 |
Mazumdar, Pauline | Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failings: The Eugenics Society , its Sources and its Critics in Britain | London: Routledge | 1992 |
McDougall, William | The Correlation Between Native Ability and the Social Status - Eugenics in Race and State | Baltimore: Williams and Wilkens Company | 1923 |
Mehler, Barry Alan | A History of the American Eugenics Society, 1921-1940 (unpublished Ph.D. diss.) | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | 1988 |
Mills, George W. | A Report on Some Heredity Studies | 6/81 The American Journal of Psychiatry (formerly the American Journal of Insanity) 103 | 1924 |
Muller, Herman J. | Scientists and Eugenics (Letter to Editor) | Science 1171 | 10 September 1965 |
Muller, Herman J. | The Dominance of Economics Over Eugenics | The Scientific Monthly 41 | 1933 |
Myerson, Abraham | Sterilization | Atlantic Monthly 52 | November 1950 |
Myerson, Abraham | Certain Medical and Legal Phases of Eugenic Sterilization | 18 Annals of Internal Medicine 580 | 1943 |
Nation, The | The Nazi's Biological Warfare | The Nation 597 | 18 May 1946 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Eugenical Sterilization (Book Review) | 216:20 The New England Journal of Medicine 911 | 1937 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Sexual Sterilization in New Hampshire | 215:12 The New England Journal of Medicine 536 | 1936 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Sterilization of the Unfit | 215:12 The New England Journal of Medicine 561 | 1936 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Compulsory Sterilization | The New England Journal of Medicine 566 | 19 March 1936 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Sterilization and the Psychoses | 213:18 The New England Journal of Medicine 883 | 1935 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Constructive Eugenics and Rational Marriage (Book Review) | 213:1 The New England Journal of Medicine 86 | 1935 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Sterilization and its Possible Accomplishments | 211:8 The New England Journal of Medicine 379 | 1934 |
New England Journal of Medicine | Eugenical Sterilization to Date | 209:13 The New England Journal of Medicine 655 | 1933 |
New Republic, The | Travelers. . .propaganda in favor of wholesale sterilization. . . . | The New Republic 59 | 26 February 1936 |
New Republic, The | The Dilemma of Eugenics | The New Republic 304 | 24 April 1935 |
Newsweek | A Sterile Issue? | Newsweek 88 | 24 September 1962 |
Newsweek | The Psychologist Must Say 'I Do' When They Wed | Newsweek 22 | 22 May 1961 |
Newsweek | For Fewer Unfit | Newsweek 50 | 30 October 1950 |
Newsweek | State Sterilization | Newsweek 46 | 28 November 1949 |
Newsweek | Collier"s Choice | Newsweek 33 | 13 November 1944 |
Newsweek | Sterilization Outlawed | Newsweek 28 | 8 June 1942 |
Newsweek | Genetics: Science Checks Up on a 120-Year-Old Family Affair | Newsweek 28 | 15 February 1936 |
Newsweek | Eugenics: Nazi Doctors Sterilize 180,000, but Leave One Genius Alone | Newsweek | 16 February 1935 |
Noll, Stephen | Feeble-minded in Our Midst: Institutions for the Mentally Retarded in the South, 1900- 1914 | Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press | 1995 |
Noll, Stephen | Southern Strategies for Handling the Black Feeble-minded: From Social Control to Profound Indifference | 3 Journal of Policy History 130 | 1991 |
Osborn, Henry Fairfield | Birth Control vs. Birth Selection | Forum 79 | August 1932 |
Osborn, Henry Fairfield | Birth Control vs. Birth Selection | 76 Science 173 | 1932 |
Pascoe, Peggy | Miscegenation Law, Court Cases, and Ideologies of 'Race' in Twentieth-Century America | The Journal of American History | June 1996 |
Paul, Diane B. | From Eugenics to Medical Genetics | 9 Journal of Policy History 1:96 | 1997 |
Paul, Diane B. | Culpability and Compassion: Lessons from the History of Eugenics | 15 Politics and the Life Sciences 1:99 | 1996 |
Paul, Diane B. | Controlling Human Heredity, 1865 to the Present | New Jersey: Humanities Press | 1995 |
Paul, Diane B. | Eugenics and the Left | Journal of the History of Ideas 567 | 1984 |
Paul, Diane B. and Hamish, G.S. | The Hidden Science of Eugenics | 374 Nature 302 | March, 1995 |
Pernick, Martin S. | The Black Stork: Eugenics and the Death of 'Defective' Babies in American Medicine and Motion Pictures Since 1915 | New York: Oxford | 1996 |
Pickens, Donald K. | Eugenics and the Progressives | Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press | 1969 |
Plecker, W. A. | The New Family and Racial Improvement" Pamphlet | Richmond: Bureau of Vital Statistics | 1928 |
Plecker, W. A. | Eugenics in Relation to the New Family and the Law on Racial Integrity pamphlet | Richmond: Bureau of Vital Statistics | 1924 |
Plecker, W. A. | Racial Improvement | Virginia Medical Monthly 486 | November 1925 |
Plecker, W. A. | Shall We All Be Mulattores? | The Literary Digest 27 | March 1925 |
Popenoe, Paul | A Debate on Sterilization: Intelligent Eugenics | The Forum 26 | July 1935 |
Porter, Dorothy and Roy Porter | What Was Social Medicine? An Historiographical Essay | 1:1 Journal of Historical Sociology 90 | 1988 |
Powell, John | The Breach in the Dike: An Analysis of the Sorrels Case Showing the Danger to Racial Integrity from Intermarriage of Whites with So-Called Indians | Richmond: Liberty Press/Anglo- Saxon Clubs of America | 1925 |
Powell, Thomas Reed | Compulsory Vaccination and Sterilization: Constitutional Aspects | 18 Annals of Internal Medicine 637 | 1943 |
Proctor, Robert N. | Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis | Cambridge: Harvard University Press | 1988 |
Race Betterment Foundation, The. | Proceedings of the Third National Race Betterment Conference | Battle Creek: The Race Betterment Foundation | 1928 |
Race Betterment Foundation, The. | Proceedings of the Second National Race Betterment Conference | Battle Creek: The Race Betterment Foundation | 1915 |
Race Betterment Foundation, The. | Proceedings of the First National Race Betterment Conference | Battle Creek: The Race Betterment Foundation | 1914 |
Radford, J. P. | Eugenics and the Asylum | 7:4 Journal of Historical Sociology 462 | 1994 |
Radford, J. P. | Sterilization Versus Segregation: Control of the 'Feebleminded', 1900-1938 | 33:4 Social Sciences and Medicine 449 | 1991 |
Rafter, Nicole H. | Creating Born Criminals: Biological Theories of Crime and Eugenics | Urbana: University of Illinois Press | 1997 |
Rafter, Nicole H. | Claims-Making and Socio-Cultural Context in the First U.S. Eugenics Campaign | 39 Social Problems 17 | 1992 |
Rafter, Nicole H. | White Trash: The Eugenic Family Studies, 1877-1919 | Boston: Northeastern University Press | 1988 |
Rafter, Nicole H. | White Trash: Eugenics as Social Ideology | 26:1 Society 43 | 1988 |
Readers Digest. | Germany's Part-Time Brides | The Readers Digest 15 | May 1946 |
Readers Digest. | Pro and Con: Sterilize the Feeble-Minded? | The Readers Digest 97 | May 1938 |
Reed, Sheldon C. | Parenthood and Heredity | New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 1964 |
Reilly, Phillip R. | The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary Sterilization in The United States | Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press | 1991 |
Reilly, Phillip R. | The Surgical Solution: The Writings of Activist Physicians in the Early Days of Eugenical Sterilization | 26 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 637 | 1983 |
Reilly, Phillip R. | The Virginia Racial Integrity Act Revisited: The Plecker-Laughlin Correspondence: 1928- 1930 | 16 American Journal of Medical Genetics 483 | 1983 |
Reilly, Phillip R. | Involuntary Sterilization of Institutionalized Persons in the United States: 1899-1942 (unpublished thesis) | Yale University School of Medicine | 1981 |
Robitscher, Jonas | Eugenic Sterilization | Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas | 1973 |
Roderick, Thomas H., V. Elving Anderson, and Wayne T. Morris | Files of the Eugenics Record Office: A Resource for Genealogists | 82 National Genealogical Society Quarterly 2:97 | 1994 |
Rodwell, G. | Dr. Caleb Williams Saleeby: the complete eugenicist | 26 History of Education 1:23 | 1997 |
Rosanoff, A. J. and Florence I. Orr | A Study of Heredity and Insanity in the Light of the Mendelian Theory | 68 American Journal of Insanity 221, (1911) as, Eugenics Record Office, Bulletin No. 5 | 1911 |
Science | Does Genetic Endowment Vary by Socioeconomic Group? | 111 Science 697 | 1950 |
Science | The Number of Defectives in the United States | 93 Science 12, Supplement: 4 | April 1941 |
Science | Sterilization Operations Performed in the United States | Science 7, Supplement: 11 | December 1936 |
Science | Sterilization Laws | Science 9, Supplement: 4 | December 1936 |
Science | Racial Superiority and Sterilization | Science 7, Supplement: 15 | November 1935 |
Science Digest | The Case Against Sterilization | Science Digest 75 | February 1947 |
Science Digest | Eugenics Today | Science Digest 61 | January 1941 |
Science News | Sterilization Sentiment Focuses on the Poor | 89 Science News 371 | 1966 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: The Human Future | Science News Letter 54 | 25 July 1964 |
Science News Letter | Medicine: Eugenics for Diabetics | Science News Letter 212 | 2 October 1954 |
Science News Letter | Nazi Mass Sterilization | Science News Letter 356 | 7 December 1946 |
Science News Letter | Medicine-Eugenics: Nearsightedness Could Be Wiped Out By Eugenics | Science News Letter 387 | 20 June 1942 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Suggests an Imaginative NMA -- Mothers Administration | Science News Letter 44 | 19 July 1941 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Eugenics Seen as Vital to Future of Democracy | Science News Letter 168 | 14 September 1940 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Plan for Improving Population Drawn by Famed Geneticists | Science News Letter 131 | 26 August 1939 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: More and Better Children is New Eugenics Objective | Science News Letter 153 | 11 March 1939 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Man's Control Over Life is Prime Science Contact | Science News Letter 247 | 15 October 1938 |
Science News Letter | Biology-Physiology: Eugenics Program Declared Impracticable at Present | Science News Letter 22 | 9 July 1938 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Sterilization Opposed As Way of Bettering Humanity | Science News Letter 316 | 14 May 1938 |
Science News Letter | Eugenics: Sterilization Would Not Wipe Out Mental Disease | Science News Letter 125 | 19 February 1938 |
Scientific Monthly | The Effect of Science Upon Man | Scientific Monthly 73 | July 1938 |
Selden, Steven | The Capturing of Science: Eugenics, Race Betterment, and American Education 1903 – 1949 | Draft Ms | 1996 |
Selden, Steven | Education Policy and Biological Science: Genetics, Eugenics, and the College Textbook, c.1908- 1931 | 87 Teachers College Record 1:35-51 | Fall, 1985 |
State Board of Charities and Corrections (Va.) | The Problem of the Feeble-Minded | 1913 | |
State Board of Public Welfare. (Va.) | Concerning Mental Deficiency | 3 The X-Ray 11:1 | 1926 |
State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. (Va.) | Eugenics in Relation to the New Family and the law on Racial Integrity, Including a paper read before the American Public Health Association | 1 New Family Series, Richmond | 1924 |
State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. (Va.) | The New Family and Racial Improvement | 5 New Family Series, Richmond | 1928 |
Stephan, Nancy Leys | The Hour of Eugenics: Race, Gender and Nation in Latin America | Ithaca: Cornell University Press | 1991 |
Stern, Curt | Selection and Eugenics | 110 Science 201 | 1949 |
Stoddard, Lothrop | In a Eugenics Court from Out of the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today | New York: Duell, Sloan and Pierce | 1940 |
Stoddard, Lothrop | The New Realism of Science, Racial Realities in Europe | New York: Charles Scribner's Sons | 1924 |
Stoddard, Lothrop | The Rising Tide of Color: Against White World Supremacy | New York: Charles Scribner's Sons | 1923 |
Stoddard, Lothrop | The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man | New York: Charles Scribner's Sons | 1922 |
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