Version vom 6. März 2014, 12:50 Uhr von Wolf-Dieter Batz (Diskussion | Beiträge)
User module from Phase-III Macro System based on Fractal System Architecture.
Workflow / Source
%MACRO TWO_CATV(dsn= ,exclude= ,row= ,row2= ,col= ,indent=0 ,num= ,stat=N ,weight=Y ,space=2 ,condense= ,struct= ,struct2= ,head2=N ,misslin2= ,indinc=2) / store des="" ;
%LOCAL n_grp v_grp n name; %LET name=TWO_CATV; %IF &STRUCT eq %THEN %LET struct =&DSN; %IF &STRUCT2 eq %THEN %LET struct2=&DSN; %GRP_DESC(dsn=&DSN ,grp=&ROW ,miss=n) ; %TOP_FILT(dsn=&DSN ,grp=&ROW ,by=&COL ,grplvl=&NUM ,var= ,condense=&CONDENSE) ; %TOP_FREQ(dsn=top_filt ,struct=&STRUCT ,grp=&ROW ,by=&COL) ; %TOP_OUTC(dsn=top_freq ,head=n ,total=n ,stat=&STAT ,indent=&INDENT ,grp=&ROW ,rev=n ,use= ,by=&COL ,missline=) ;
%DO n=1 %TO &N_GRP; %IF %SCAN(&V_GRP,&N) ne &EXCLUDE %THEN %DO; %ROW_FILT(dsn=&DSN ,context=&ROW ,subgrp=&N ,grp=&ROW2 ,by=&COL ,var= ,miss=n) ; %ROW_FREQ(dsn=row_filt ,sum=top_freq ,struct=&STRUCT2 ,context=&ROW ,grp=&ROW2 ,by=&COL ,weight=&WEIGHT) ; %ROW_OUTC(dsn=row_freq ,sum=main_3rd ,head=&HEAD2 ,stat=&STAT ,indent=%EVAL(&INDENT+&INDINC) ,context=&ROW ,grp=&ROW2 ,by=&COL ,missline=&MISSLIN2) ; %END; %END;
%IF &TAB_NAME ne %THEN %DO; data %SUBSTR(&TAB_NAME,1,3)&NUM%SUBSTR(&TAB_NAME,5,4); set %DO n=1 %TO &N_GRP; %IF &SPACE eq 1 %THEN dummy ; %IF %SCAN(&V_GRP,&N) ne &EXCLUDE %THEN row&NUM._&N ; %IF &SPACE eq 2 %THEN dummy ; %END; %IF &SPACE eq 3 %THEN dummy ; ; run; %END; %GEN_MAIL(name=&NAME);
Name | Description |
dsn | input dataset name |
row, row2 | categorial variable name, 2=nested variable |
exclude | decode for excluded group from &ROW |
weight | Y/N (multiply percentages for &ROW and &ROW2) |
col | categorial variable name used for columns |
head2 | Y/N (block header for nested variable) |
indent, indinc | n (number of indent columns and increment for nested variable) |
num | n (sequence number of output) |
stat | Y/N (column with statistics names) |
space | 1/2/3 (blank line before or after output and between nesting levels) |
struct, struct2 | name of reference dataset used for full decode structure, 2=nested variable |
condense | var#value (non-distinct variable and true value for &ROW) |
misslin2 | Y/N (force missing line for nested variable) |